Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blogging again

I didn't do very well the first time around blogging very often. :( I decided to try again because it can be very therapeutic. So lets see....We are the McCormicks, we were married April 3, 2010 after dating for 1 year. Our courtship was very quick but we knew we wanted to be together so we saw no reason to wait. 
Us During our Dating days....
We have two dogs, Daphne who is a German/Australian Shepherd mix, and Jaxon who is a pure bred Siberian Husky. They are our loves, our children if you will, and we love them dearly! We got Daphne while we were dating when she was just 6 weeks old. 
5 months later we decided to get another dog and found our Jaxon on craigslist. The owners said he wasn't getting any attention and they were leaving him outside all the time. We just knew we had to rescue him and give him a loving home! It was a rough start, but we made it work and we can't imagine our lives without these two smart, playful and unique dogs! 

Well this was us in the beginning, just starting off our lives together. We will go on to having many memories together. Some that have already happened, and some that are still yet to come! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. awe love it. I cant believe how little Daphne is here.
